Our Blog

Psoriasis Awareness Month

psoriatic arthritis awareness month

August is Psoriasis awareness month, so this month’s blog will focus on how this condition affects the feet and how Podiatrists can help you manage any skin changes. About Psoriasis Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition, thought to be autoimmune in origin. Although it can start at any age, the…

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Podiatry treatment – What treatments do Podiatrists offer?

Podiatry Treatment at Round House Podiatry - callus reduction , podiatry treatment

In this blog we’ll talk about what your Podiatry Treatment might involve, and the conditions that we commonly treat. Assessment of your feet All our new patient appointments start with a full assessment of your feet and the issue that concerns you. For those over 50, we check pulses with…

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Summer Feet Tips

Feet in a swimming pool in Summer , summer feet tips

Well, the sun is finally out after what feels like a very long, cold, damp Spring! So we thought for this month’s blog we’d revisit some of our Summer Feet tips. Good foot care and hygiene *should* be an all year round thing, but we’re all a little guilty of…

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Mental Health Awareness Month

mental health awareness month

Mental Health Awareness Month – May As May is mental health awareness month, we thought we’d base this month’s blog on that theme. Good mental health is so important for everyone and seeking mental health help can make a significant difference in one’s well-being. In our humble opinion, there are…

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Podiatry Myth Busting!

Myth busting in Podiatry - Round House Podiatry

Podiatry Myth Busting! Helping sort the fact from the fiction. As with most things in life, there are plenty of myths out there about Podiatry and the conditions we treat. In this month’s blog, we’ll try to bust some of those Podiatry myths and point you in the right direction for…

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