How to care for aging feet?
Caring for your feet as they age.
Over time, your feet will go through a lot of wear and tear. Studies have shown that an average person can take up to 4.5 million steps a year! As we age, we complete that number of steps many times over, all putting strain through our skin, muscles, and joints.
So, how to care for aging feet effectively? Here are some tips to maintain foot health with aging to keep your feet in optimal condition.
Keeping skin in good condition is essential at any age. Using a good emollient regularly will go a long way to keeping your skin healthy. For most people, a generic foot cream will be sufficient, any that contain Urea as an ingredient tend to work well. Applied once a day, everywhere on the feet except between the toes.
Checking your skin regularly is also important. The sooner you can identify and treat any skin problems that occur, the easier they are to manage. For example, treating athlete’s foot early is much easier than when it becomes more widespread and chronic.
Joints and muscles
Our joints take a lot of force as we walk. They absorb the impact as our feet touch the ground, and they transport our body weight as we move forward. Keeping them supported will go a long way to keeping them healthy as we age.
Good, supportive, cushioning footwear, with a secure fastening, will prevent some foot problems in old age from developing. Seeking professional advice early for any niggles or concerns can often prevent issues from worsening.
Good circulation is essential to keep feet and limbs happy and healthy. A reduction in the circulation to our feet can cause tissue breakdown and pain. Regular exercise, stopping smoking, good diet and managing conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and Diabetes will also help to keep your blood vessels and circulation healthy.
If you have any concerns about your feet, at any age, see your local HCPC registered Podiatrist.
For more information on keeping your feet healthy, check out the Royal College of Podiatry page here.
For more of our blogs on foot health advice, visit here.