Our Blog

Exploring Circulation Problems in Feet: What You Need to Know

Podiatry for diabetics

As podiatrists, one of the things we check in your feet is circulation. This month’s blog will focus on circulation problems. Your circulation can be divided into two main categories, the macrovascular and the microvascular. Your macrovascular circulation is the main blood vessels that run from your heart down to…

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“Why on earth do you want to mess with feet all day?”

Portrait image of Female Podiatrist

We get asked this question a lot in clinic… So, Anna has written a new post to answer just that question. As a Podiatrist, one question I get asked all the time when I’m in clinic is why on earth do you want to mess with feet! So I thought…

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Raynaud’s Awareness Month: A Podiatrist’s Perspective

raynauds awareness month

February marks Raynaud’s awareness month. So, what is Raynaud’s, and what does it have to do with Podiatry? What is Raynaud’s? Well, Raynaud’s is a condition that affects the circulation in the extremities, mainly the hands and feet, but it can affect other areas such as the nose, ears and…

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Foot Care for Dry Feet” – The Struggle Is Real!

foot care for dry feet

Why does nothing get rid of my dry skin?? One thing we see in our clinic time and time again, is dry skin on feet. Often, when people come to see us with this problem, they have tried lots of things to improve the quality and appearance of the skin on…

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All About Podiatry Ingrown Toenail

ingrown toenail closeup , podiatry ingrown toenail

What is an ingrown toenail? Ingrown toenails are one of the most common conditions that Podiatrists see in clinic. An ingrown nail happens when a section of the nail punctures the skin, which causes pain, inflammation and potential infection. Ouch! If you’re dealing with this issue, seeking podiatry ingrown toenail…

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