Round House Podiatry Clinic - Local Podiatrist in Kirkburton

We love working in Kirkburton!

Kirkburton - Our Village

We love working in Kirkburton, there is a wonderful community feel in the village, and we have so many brilliant, long established businesses locally.

It is always a busy village, but at this time of year it becomes even busier!

Our village Christmas lights have now gone up, courtesy of a lovely bunch of volunteers, and we shall soon see these lighting up our streets for the festive season.

The Burton Environment Group as always are keeping up with their fantastic work, keeping our village looking tidy, and helping to encourage wildlife to the area in the Community Fields.

The usual village Christmas tree and nativity will soon be up in the memorial garden just across the street from the clinic, which is always a lovely sight. If you’re visiting us in the clinic, why not pop across the road and have a look?

What's happening in the village?

Here’s a few of the lovely things happening this season in Kirkburton – by no means an exhaustive list!

If you are still in the midst of your Christmas shopping, there is a Winter Artisan and Maker’s Market running at the Burton Village Hall on the 4th of December, from 11am to 4pm. There will be gifts, face painting, children’s crafts, baked goods and foods for sale, all from local businesses and artisans. The last one held in November at the Venue at Storthes Hall was an enormous success. Always great to support local small businesses too!










Hade Edge Band will be performing a Christmas Concert at All Hallow’s Church in Kirkburton on the 10th of December, 7pm too to help us all get into the festive spirit. Tickets are £10 and paid on the door.

Round House Podiatry has been a part of Kirkburton now for 14 years under it’s present ownership, but as a whole, we’ve been fixing the feet of the local area for over 25 years including the previous ownership. We are proud to be your local Podiatrists, and we love getting to know names and faces from our lovely village and beyond.

For more news on the local area, check out the Kirkburton and Highburton Community Association page.

Don't forget.... If you’re having foot problems, we’re here to help.