Nikki Woodhead Podiatrist

Experience the Convenience and Comfort of Podiatry Home Visits

Round House Podiatry home visits - what does a typical day look like? In this blog, Nikki Woodhead describes a typical day.

Work days at the Round House are a little different for me on Wednesdays and
Thursdays, as those are the days I come out of clinic and podiatry home visiting service.

Who has home visits?

Patients request "home podiatry visits at different times and for different reasons. Some
are quite immobile and housebound and have regular home visits. For others,
it’s a temporary thing such as following surgery for hip and knee replacements
I start the day after dropping my youngest at school.
At this time of year it’s important to start the day off right.
Starting the day right at Round House Podiatry










Sterile instruments at Round House Podiatry



Next up, is getting equipment sorted. Sterilising instruments - each set is placed into a bag and sterilised by vacuum and heat.



And restocking my podiatrist home visiting kit

I have to bring everything I need, so my car boot is usually full.
I also need plenty of gloves, aprons and masks. Nearly 3 years after Covid hit,
we are still wearing our PPE in foot and ankle clinic and for home visits, for everyone’s peace
of mind.

And then I’m off!
All of our home visits are pre-arranged either by future booking in person at
the last visit or by phone enquiries, so patients will always know what day and
time to expect me, give or take a little sometimes for roadworks etc.

One of the things I enjoy about home visits is getting out and about around our
beautiful areas surrounding Kirkburton.
Some of the visits take me well off the beaten track!








Virtually all home visits are carried out by myself and I will always be in a
Round House work tunic to help new patients feel confident letting someone
into their home.

A little about me...

I qualified in 1996 and have worked in Podiatry clinics, hospital clinics and
wards, patient homes and nursing homes for 26 years. So you can rest
assured of plenty of experience, a friendly smile (behind the mask) and a good
natter, if you want!
Treatments are the same as clinic, within limitations of mobile equipment. The only things we can't really do on home visits is our cosmetic Podiatry treatments, as we can't take the kit we need out of the clinic very easily.
I bring everything with me, so all you need is a comfy seat!

If you want to book one of our podiatry home visits, then contact us on our phoneline (home visits are not available to book online)