What are Bunions?
What are bunions?
Bunions are a bony deformity that forms at the base of the big toe, where the toe meets the ball of the foot. It is caused when the big toe bones move, causing the big toe to angle towards the second toe, and the foot shape changes.
Who gets bunions?
Anyone can get bunions, but they are more common in women. According to statistics, around 15% of UK women will have bunions.
What causes bunions?
The exact cause of bunions (otherwise known as Hallux Valgus) is not fully understood, but it is thought to be mainly due to foot type and genetics. If you have a family history of bunions, then you will be more likely to develop them.
Poor fitting, narrow footwear can also have an impact, and worsen bunions, as can wearing high heeled shoes if you have a foot type more prone to bunions forming.
How do I fix bunions?
Unfortunately, as bunions are a bony deformity, only surgery can correct them. There are lots of products out there (you know the ones, animated videos on social media that show the bones miraculously straightening if you use their product!) that claim to fix bunions – they don’t!!
How can I prevent bunions?
Good footwear is key – wide fitting, good depth in the toe box and a low heel. Try to avoid slip on shoes, especially shoes with no back. Shoes that don’t hold your foot securely will cause your toes to claw as you walk to keep your foot in the shoe, and this can add to the stresses that cause bunions.
How can a Podiatrist help with bunions?
Firstly, a Podiatrist can help to diagnose a bunion. There are other deformities of the big toe joint that can be confused with bunions. A Podiatrist can also advise on appropriate footwear and can deal with any associated calluses and corns that may form as a result of pressure from footwear. Podiatrists can also refer on to local Podiatric Surgeons for a surgical opinion if that is required.
If you would like further information on Bunions – the Royal College of Podiatry has some great info here.
Alternatively, if you would like to come and see us regarding bunions (or anything else for that matter!), you can book online here.
Anna Conway
BSc (Hons), MCPod, SRCh, PGcert Podiatry
Owner, Lead Podiatrist